(11/2/75) neal frisby
Sermon book treasures
There is definitely a deadline coming soon. This age will witness the judgment sword, hunger and death as the beasts of the earth come into power, followed by death and hell on the pale horse, (Rev. 6:8). While there is still time, this is the hour for the people of God to be sober, vigilant and prepare for the translation. You can have faith or like blood in your body but if you tie it up and you just sit there, then it is going to go dead on you. So put it into circulation by praising the Lord and the blood of circulation of faith will begin to move.
The beast, the four horses of the Apocalypse and Abaddon, the rider from the pit. Now these horses that are in Rev. 6; they are horses through history, they were symbolic of deceivableness, war, starvation and actual hell teaching doctrines that finish up on the fourth horse of death. You remember this in Matt. 16:3, Jesus said, the hypocrites could discern the weather patterns in the sky but could not discern the signs of the times.The same thing today, they can discern the weather pattern but they cannot discern the signs of the times.We are living in the signs of the times. One of them is, they will not endure sound doctrine, but they will look upon God, see the real thing of God, and turn their back on Him. That is a real sign from the Lord.There will come a falling away, not from church attendance exactly, but from the true power of God. They want a social gospel but they don’t want a powerful gospel.
In the few years ahead there will be a collapse of the monetary system as we know it today. Runaway inflation, there will also be droughts and famines, also the disappearance of the two party system into one form of government later in the years ahead. Remember this, I have told the people, now stay out of debt as much as possible for the next few years. Only what you really have to have, because something is going to come and the church is still going to be here. But God is going to translate His church, but He is going to protect the church first. Now remember only a foolish person would turn down the advice that God gives here.
So let us begin in Rev. 6:1-8, And I saw when the Lamb (now, here is Jesus) opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts, saying, Come and see.
Now here was Jesus, He rolled back the seal and a horse stepped forth. Now Jesus was not on that one. He was standing there with a scroll in his hand. He rolled it because this thing is going to take place and a revelation is coming forth here. Then he said there was one thunder (It is a warning). Now there is only one thunder here but in Rev. 10, it is bang, bang, bang, there are seven thunders. And that is where God does all of His major work to the elect plus it goes on into the end of time. The horses portray, like I told you, past history, but literally they portray in Daniel’s 70th week coming forth there as they begin to trot out. Preceding this, there will be economic hard times. Then it will return to prosperity, beast prosperity under the mark. But preceding the riding of these deadly horses will come hard times for a while. You have to watch how I am gauging this as God gives it to me, because it will take place just like a wave, then it will go up and then it will go down. This horse rider is the imitator of Christ who looks just like Him (The Lord) and he will receive a crown, he will be a prince of the earth. The real Christ is found in Rev. 19:11-12, and it says Christ has many crowns and He is riding on a white horse there. But this other one is going to deceive. It reveals a religious conquest, he did not have any arrows for it said he only had a bow. Now a bow without arrows reveals false peace, and there is no war. He is going to tell them they have peace.
It is a revealing sign and Daniel 8:24-25, reveals he shall prosper. He will practice by peace, he will destroy many by using the words peace to them. Now Dan.11:21 depicts him; he shall come in peaceably. Don’t forget this, he comes in promising prosperity and by peace he will destroy many. Now you see he comes with no arrows, you see, he only has a bow, he is an imitator of Christ. Other conquerors in history used force and power and war to conquer and get what they wanted. But this one comes, first using peace and when he gets everything he wants, then later he deceives them using violent force to overthrow everybody. But he devices them first. The rich men are preparing to control all property rights. Also world governments think world peace can be achieved through enforcement of world laws. He will be against physical force for a period but later will use violent and ungodly force and will control the rich men. In Dan. 11:38-43, his system comes in by bribery and obtains the empires by intrigue; He is called the desolating brute. He will inaugurate inhuman practices on the earth after he gets everything where he wants it at.
On the white horse he deceives the people, then he comes back on a red horse, takes peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another for unto him was given a great sword. Isaiah 28:18, the covenant of death; for in the midst of the week, he shall declare and break his covenant of peace with them and inaugurate a reign of terror around the world and brings in the idol of abomination and say that he is god. He will kill all of those who disagree with his peace plans and begin to issue a mark. You see, if you don’t agree with their peace, you are a warmonger and they will have to kill you. It is not so much the peace that the Bible says, but it is the doctrine they are going to produce. Doctrine of devils, even claiming he is god. And that is where people have flee into hiding. The church is translated, but the foolish virgins and the Jews to be sealed (144,000) are left upon the earth then. This peace mark he gives is to assure peace on the earth. If you reject this mark then they call you the murderer instead of them.
Due to lawlessness, overpopulation explosion, economic crisis, famine , they will call for a strong dictator. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, (this time it was in the midst of all four of the beasts, it was terrible. It was a great order). A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine. This black horse was riding. This has a compound purpose.
Now you can see the horses as they are changing colors from white, red, black and in a minute he will go to pale color. When you put all three colors together it will come out in a pale color. The mark of death; when he gets through on that one it begins to change, it finishes in the mark of death which is on the pale horse, when he goes through. Now what looked like Christ turns into a false Christ. It is beginning to turn false on them. First he is white, then he turns red, he is dying away. Then he turns black, then he turns pale. Can’t you see it coming? See a false Christ, he is deceivable.
A denarius is a Roman penny and in Matt. 22:2, reveals desperate economic situation, skyrocket prices for food. Because a penny was a whole day’s wage because of a certain amount of silver, I believe it was. They had to work a whole day. Right here we see him riding (on the black horse) and when he rides it will take him all day during that time of famines and droughts that begin to come upon the earth then. Black denotes depression there. But the food prices are skyrocketing at that time. During this time, when it steps over into the great tribulation they skyrocket. Food doubles, triples, quadruples and gets completely out of reasoning upon the earth. The Bible declares it will come.The Lord will bring it there. People are becoming slaves, he is beginning to bring them to peons, famine begins to exist. No rain for 42 months. Now the Bride is gone already, now the two major prophets stand in Israel.
Then it says in the days of their prophecies in Rev. 11, it says during the days of their prophecies, it said there will be no rain for 42 months at the time. You talk about a desperate economic situation there. It is going to come and no one can turn it around. We know that before the tribulation, economic chaos comes. There will be all kinds of things and shortages begin to come upon the earth. Then it will go back into prosperity and be out there for a while. But then just about the time the black horse begins to ride, there was already an economic one, several years before. And there will be a great depression again towards the end of Armageddon with shortages of food. What good is prosperity on one hand when there won’t be food on the other hand? People will starve by the millions and millions and millions during those awful days. Even before the translation many of these events will occur to the Bride in a minor way. The one world system is coming and what good is prosperity in the midst of shortages and famines. But the antichrist gets his power out of chaos and through an inflation blowout that eventually brings a dictator with strong controls. Plus it will go into depressionary and inflationary measures.
What is going to happen when on the one hand you have inflation ready to blow out and on the other recession a major one coming in? It means some millionaires will lose everything they have, it means people who have saved their life savings and put them in those bonds are washed out. One fellow wrote in the paper, he said it looked like 1933 or back in the depression days during the time when people ran to the windows of the banks to get what they had and there was nothing.He said, it was horror to stand there and watch some of the same symptoms beginning to rise right in the nation and we have come through it before. What is fooling people is it seems like there is prosperity around them now and they feel there is some prosperity. If it was not for an overload of credit they would already be in one right now.
If you listen tonight, you will learn something, but if you don’t then you will ever learn anything from God or anybody else. In 1929 the value of the dollar was about 80% off from what it was during that time. At this time the high debts and the mortgages will be high. Your debts will be high, your mortgages will be high. But the dollar will not have enough value; when the crisis comes the dollar will be down. I saw in a vision from God, and it is the truth if I ever saw it. I saw the people standing on their feet during the Great Tribulation and even approaching then around the world. I don’t know how in the world they were standing up, they didn’t even look like humans and there was no food. I saw the animal in the same situation then. And I saw signs on places that said, “Church and State.”
It is going to call for a dictator and one will arise. He will be a deceivable one. He will be a peaceful and reasonable man. One you will never know was going to change his character into a diabolical killer. He will come. There will be a personality rise in this nation (USA) and there will arise a personality overseas and they will do these things right here. Now remember, one prosperity before tribulation and one at the end of it. It is prosperity between but finally in the middle of it the mark is given.
In Rev. 6:8, And I looked, and behold a pale horse; Now he started off over here and he changed his colors all the way down until now. He is just reeking in death by deceiving the people. He deceived the people on the white one, he murdered the people on the red one; he starved them and got all their money on the black one. Now on the pale one he takes them to hell. Man can’t you see what they are doing and what they will do. He deceives them, he kills them, he starves them, he takes their money and then on the pale horse he takes them into perdition and rides them into hell. But do you know what? As a bird hasteth to a snare so shall they run towards him; like ants to honey. And his name that sat on him was Death and Hell followed him; power was given to them over the fourth part of the earth to kill, he killed with the sword, with hunger, with death and with the beasts of the earth which belong to his government: and that is the opposite of Christ. That is the false imitator, he has death instead of life. Only Jesus has life. No man has life, only Jesus has life.
Brother, this horse rider of different horses is the man that is going to be on the horse of death. The one they followed is going to take them right into the pits of hell. It said, hell followed the pale horse of death and they went in there. The pale horse, he is the mark of death. He deceives them on the white horse, he kills them on the red horse, he gets control of all the money and the food on the black horse. He just takes it by false religion there and gets it all and now the pale horse, he takes them to hell and perdition. I believe the people are so asleep that it is like a great snare.
The western world will plunge into the worst financial crisis probably since the 1930’s. For the first time in history there will be runaway inflation, which will precede or overlap either a severe recession or a full blown inflationary depression. It is when this crisis comes that God gathers His children and it is also at that time that satan unites his together. Then pretty soon the translation of the bride takes place. But before the first of the horses there, before the Great Tribulation we will have economic chaos and then it will return to beast prosperity under the mark of the beast. These things are coming and it will come.
Later on in the age, there will be massive unemployment. Right now, they could cause unemployment to come up some and it could be in the next year or so that it would look pretty good. But there is a year coming when there is going to be a major recession. There is coming when a year coming when there is going to be runaway inflation. All of these things are coming. A plague of bankruptcies, there will be endless shortages, also watching social problems and upheavals. Now is the time to prepare. It is going to be a great time for the bride but she is going to be tested.
I believe the Lord off of the gift of God can do like unto Elijah the prophet, and he can bring forth and He can make manna and He can do things if we happen to need them. But I also believe that a person should be prudent. I believe the Lord will restore supernaturally, but some people don’t have this kind of faith. So they can do what they are preparing for and we believe the Lord is going to have His hand on the Bride. We believe the ones in this Capstone church (ministry), they are going to prosper and God is going to bless them. Although there may be hard times just before the Bride gets out of here.
You know, if there happens to come martial law, economic crisis overnight; you could not get anything for a while. Panic would set in. Now the one world economic people have long seen at a financial conference an open way for one world economics. Here were their plans:
- Destruction of the value of the dollar by depleting the USA gold reserves. They have practically done that as that was one of their plans.
- Building up the industrial capacities of other nations at the expense of the USA citizens. They have also done that.
- Destruction of the USA competitive commercial superiority on land and sea. They have done that too.
- Their next plans were, the dependence of the USA upon the policies of other nations. Ford said, the USA has gotten too involved with the world now to the point we have to
depend upon what other nations’ policies are.
That is the program schedule for the men who want to take over the world. This was one man’s opinion here. I preached to myself as we can remember, the computer, the electronic age out of this that begins to come and everybody on earth will be in that computer there. These things are going to take place. Watch this, one of the leaders in the world church system predicted in a book, the book is called, “Church Wealth and Business Income” – it said the church before long would control all businesses and all economies and business there.
These things, people, are taking place across the world. They are getting prepared for this and there is not anything that the people can do. But there is one thing that the Bride of Jesus can do, and that is “To prepare” your hearts. Get your heart ready, don’t panic, don’t be afraid. This sermon is to give you joy. We are to look for Jesus at any time anyway. Now, Jesus said, pray that ye escape all of these things. Some of these things the Bride is going to have to face. Persecution will come and it will come upon the people of the earth. All you need to do is to prepare. It is like fire against metal, it will prepare it. That is what the next thing that God wants to do. But there will be joy, anointing and happiness.
Remember, there is coming an economic, an inflationary, a type of collapse. Then there is coming after that, when it gets through the two party system will begin to change and go into one world government and it will vanish. Then after that there will be droughts and famine. What I am trying to say is that this will occur at the proper time. Prosperity will go on, maybe for a year or so or maybe less or just like it is going to be good. But overnight something is going to take place. It is going to take place. You know people, when things begin to occur, Jesus said, it would be a snare.
In 1929, the President then got up and said, prosperity is just around the corner and said, we have got plenty of this and that nothing was going to happen. And in a matter of weeks, came the crash; the dust bowl set in, famines set in, plagues set in and it just seemed like the whole tribulation was on them at the time. There is coming an economic crisis in the nations and all kinds of different measures and manners. It has to be brought this way because it is a complex thing the way it takes place here. But the people of God will prosper. God will stand with His people, God will bless His people.
Supernaturally by faith, you are in the best place (ministry) you ever seen in your life to get hold of God. Because, let me tell you something, they are going to begin to look for something they can feel pretty soon. They are going to get tired of some of the social gospel because that won’t feed their stomachs. That won’t get them any money from God, that won’t get to pay their bills, they are going to seek God. He is going to make it in such a way because the people have had it so good that they can stand right there and look at the Lord and turn Him down, and look right at Him.
But you know what? You take some of that away, you get the people the persecution that comes. I know it takes miracles, it takes powers of the Lord and great miracles from God and salvation of the Lord and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit to bring a great revival. But I know this, it takes persecution for God to do what He is going to do. It is coming on the children of the Lord and He told me He is going to chastise, He is going to bring them, He is going to old them like you would gold. He is going to put fire on it. It won’t be any good unless it is burnt in His hand. He is going to see it and He is going to bring it and He is going to form it.
Behold, the Bride makes herself ready. God is going to begin to fashion it, not with just miracles alone, not by just the word of God preached here, that will be involved. But by persecution and judgment on the nations. Then God with great miracles and power will show Himself to His people and then they will be formed, ready for a Bride that He can take away. To the Bride they will not be terrified; it is going to be the happiest time of your life. You just watch and see. Because God is going to give you joy that you have never known or seen before. It is a new thing that God is going to bring into His people and the harder it gets the happier you are going to get. In fact, you are going to be laughing on your way in and out of the church. The sinner said, they are laughing, they are happy because, see they have been given a sign. God is coming soon and He is going to give a great pouring and an outpouring. He is going to give you faith for the translation. He is going to prepare your hearts, He is going to take your sicknesses away, He is going to give you a well body, He is going to prepare you for the translation. He certainly will.
I believe now is the time to get a firm foundation on God, people, and get your hands on God and stay with Him with all of your heart.
Psalms 57:10-11, “For thy mercy is great unto the heavens, and thy truth unto the clouds. Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens; let thy glory be above all the earth.”
002 – The four raging horses – The apocalypse of horror