Let this be a Stern Reminder: the truth of God’s Word is not up for debate or compromise. Neal V. Frisby and William M. Branham delivered the pure, unadulterated message of Christ for this age. Any deviation from this is man’s folly, and we should not entertain it. If you are not standing on this foundation, you have no business behind the pulpit at this hour.
This is the standard, and it will not be lowered for anyone. To the true ministers of this message, keep echoing the Sound(cry) that gives rapturing grace and Faith, the elects are listening.
The Last Seven Years
God Provided the Design and Location
Before the establishment of this temple, another earlier messenger of the Lord Jesus, Brother W. Branham saw in a kind of vision a picture of this temple. He described more or less that it looked like a tent from a distance and that the revelation of the seventh seal, the catching of the great fishes and the rapture would be connected with this.
A craftsman from Ukriane fell to his knees upon seeing the temple, in his homeland he had seen the temple in a dream as a holy work of God.